How to define class attribute after creating class

I am trying to figure out how to define a Variable which is a member of a class in C++, Outside of the normal class body. It may be inside of a Function, or outside of the class. Is this possible. What I need is that the variable should be a member of the class… Read More How to define class attribute after creating class

What is the error "not found: type Score"?

main.scala: import java.time.LocalDate object OptionAnswer { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { case class Score( name: String, // 学生の名前 english: Int, // 英語の点数 math: Int, // 数学の点数 science: Int, // 理科の点数 date: LocalDate // 受験日 ) val scoreOfAlice = Score(name = "Alice", english = 77, math = 74, science = 26, date = LocalDate.of(2020, 1,… Read More What is the error "not found: type Score"?

Dealing with scope in a recursive Python function

I have a JSON input file that looks like this: {"nodes": [ {"properties": { "id": "rootNode", "name": "Bertina Dunmore"}, "nodes": [ {"properties": { "id": 1, "name": "Gwenneth Rylett", "parent_id": "rootNode"}, "nodes": [ {"properties": { "id": 11, "name": "Joell Waye", "parent_id": 1}}, {"properties": { "id": 12, "name": "Stan Willcox", "parent_id": 1}}]}, {"properties": { "id": 2, "name":… Read More Dealing with scope in a recursive Python function

How can I fix the scope of a array variable so that I can map through it in React?

I have the following code: const getNFTs = async (address: string) => { … // hidden for brevity //Nested code const promises = Array.from({length: output.toNumber()}).map() => { … // hidden for brevity } const promiseArray = await Promise.all(promises); //returns object const imageArray = Object.values(promiseArray); //converts to array } If I was to console.log imageArray I… Read More How can I fix the scope of a array variable so that I can map through it in React?