How to load a ScrollView from the bottom

Advertisements I have the following ScrollView. I would like it to initially load content from the bottom, showing the last elements first so that you first scroll from bottom upwards : <ScrollView vertical showsVerticalScrollIndicator={false} showsHorizontalScrollIndicator={false}> { => ( <ChatMsg key={Math.random()} /> ))} </ScrollView> How can I go about implementing this scenario? I have tried display:… Read More How to load a ScrollView from the bottom

Flutter – A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'Widget' doesn't allow null

Advertisements I tried to run this code but it gives me the error provided in the title, also it says (The body might complete normally, causing ‘null’ to be returned, but the return type, ‘Widget’, is a potentially non-nullable type.), any help to solve this issue would be appreciated! Widget build(BuildContext context) { return StreamBuilder<QuerySnapshot>(… Read More Flutter – A non-null value must be returned since the return type 'Widget' doesn't allow null

react-native-dropdown-picker error – "onChange is not an function (In onChange(value), onChange is undefined"

Advertisements Im trying to use DropDownPicker from react-native-dropdown-picker with Controllers from react-hook-form. Any ideas how to fix it? Problematic part with error code <Controller control={control} defaultValue={"Choose gender…"} name="gender" rules={{ required: true }} render={({ onChange, value, name, ref }) => ( <DropDownPicker placeholder="Select your gender" open={listOpen} setOpen={itemValue => setListOpen(itemValue)} items={listData} value={value} setValue={value => onChange(value)} /> )}… Read More react-native-dropdown-picker error – "onChange is not an function (In onChange(value), onChange is undefined"