In "_reduce" function i made, spliced array is allocated to original array, but is not changed, why?

Advertisements function _each(list, iter){ for(var i=0; i<list.length; i++){ iter(list[i]); } } this is code for list circuit var slice = Array.prototype.slice; function _rest(list, num){ return, num || 1); } I want to apply this to not only array but array-like object. So I use function _reduce(list, iter, memo){ if(arguments.length == 2){ memo =… Read More In "_reduce" function i made, spliced array is allocated to original array, but is not changed, why?

Can I separate a string using a a number as the starting point and a comma as the ending point?

Advertisements So here’s an example string: CN=John Doe,OU=IT,OU=Management Support Services,OU=Divisions,OU=Accounts,DC=company,DC=com I only need to get the first name out of this string. In this case the name being John Doe. I can’t hard code a number of characters in as the names there can vary in length. Basically I need to select the string after… Read More Can I separate a string using a a number as the starting point and a comma as the ending point?

Slice Dataframe in sub-dataframes when specific string in column is found

Advertisements Assume I have the dataframe df and I want to slice this in multiple dataframes and store each in a list (list_of_dfs). Each sub-dataframe should only contain the rows "Result". One sub-dataframe starts, when in column "Point" the value "P1" and in column "X_Y" the value "X" is given. I tried this with first… Read More Slice Dataframe in sub-dataframes when specific string in column is found

Regular expression in Pandas: Get substring between a space and a colon

Advertisements I have a Pandas dataframe with the column store. It contains a list of stores that look like this: H-E-B 721:1101 W STAN SCHLUETER LOOP,KILLEEN,TX H-E-B PLUS 39:2509 N MAIN ST,BELTON,TX I want the store number, which are 721 and 39 in the above examples. Here is my process for getting it: Find the… Read More Regular expression in Pandas: Get substring between a space and a colon