How do i convert a list of strings into a list of dictionaries in python?

Advertisements I’d like to convert a list of structurally similar strings into a list of dictionaries. Example list of strings: list_of_strings = [ ‘ID payment_method email issue_date payment_date amount currency’, ‘ID payment_method email issue_date payment_date amount currency’, ‘ID payment_method email issue_date payment_date amount currency’, … ] Each snippet of information is sperated by a whitespace… Read More How do i convert a list of strings into a list of dictionaries in python?

Pandas: Split Row in multiple Rows based on Delimiter in Specific Column

Advertisements Say I have the following dataframe: df = pd.DataFrame({ ‘ASSET_CLASS’: [‘Core’,], ‘SPLIT’: [‘0.6 Government / 0.4 Credit’]}) display(df) ASSET_CLASS SPLIT 0 Core 0.6 Government / 0.4 Credit My objective is to split the row into two rows by specifying the forward slash symbol as delimiter in column "SPLIT". Ideally, this is what I aim… Read More Pandas: Split Row in multiple Rows based on Delimiter in Specific Column

Use the Nth underscore from the right as the separator to split a column into two columns

Advertisements Suppose I have a dataframe df as follows: id value_type_and_model_name 0 1 actual_value 1 2 fitted_value_RUT_ARIMA 2 3 fitted_lower_value_RUT_ARIMA 3 4 fitted_upper_value_RUT_ARIMA 4 5 predicted_value_RUT_ARIMA 5 6 predicted_lower_value_RUT_ARIMA 6 7 predicted_upper_value_RUT_ARIMA 7 8 fitted_value_RUT_ES 8 9 fitted_lower_value_RUT_ES 9 10 fitted_upper_value_RUT_ES 10 11 predicted_value_RUT_ES 11 12 predicted_lower_value_RUT_ES 12 13 predicted_upper_value_RUT_ES 13 14 fitted_value_RUT_SARIMAX 14 15… Read More Use the Nth underscore from the right as the separator to split a column into two columns

How can I split a block of text into multiline records based on the starting line?

Advertisements How can I split this into separate strings/arrays/etc so that I can then iterate on each one separately? The goal is to separate them so that I can then parse each record and insert into a PSCustomObject. I have the following block of text representing more than 1 scan. Each scan record begins with… Read More How can I split a block of text into multiline records based on the starting line?

Splitting a string containing newlines gives unexpected results

Advertisements In Perl, if I split a string containing newlines, like this; @fields = split /\n/, "\n\n\n"; @fields is empty. More examples: @fields = split /\n/, "A\nB\nC"; # 3 items ("A","B","C") as expected @fields = split /\n/, "A\n\nC"; # 3 items ("A","","C") as expected @fields = split /\n/, "A\nB\n"; # 2 items ("A","B" ) NOT… Read More Splitting a string containing newlines gives unexpected results