How to call "StrCpyW" function from "shlwapi.dll"? in C++?

Advertisements I use Code::Blocks as IDE. And I should use "libshlwapi.a" library in order to use "StrCpyW" function. But I want to use that function without the library. In order to achieve that, I should call "shlwapi.dll". So, I write my codes like this: void StrCpyW(PWSTR a_wcResultString, PCWSTR p_cwcSourceString) { typedef PWSTR (*tdStrCpyW)(PWSTR, PCWSTR); HMODULE… Read More How to call "StrCpyW" function from "shlwapi.dll"? in C++?

Is it possible to create a character array within a strcpy?

Advertisements Is it possible to copy a string using C’s strcpy without first assigning memory to a char *character_array? Basically, is something like this possible: strcpy(char *my_string, another_string); where my_string is an initialised string with the same length and content as another_string. >Solution : strcpy never allocates memory. The destination must be a pointer to… Read More Is it possible to create a character array within a strcpy?

How can I fix this error which causes my other string not to print?

Advertisements I am trying to run the program below where one contains a date and the other contains the clothes in an outfit. The date structure works fine, but the one about the outfit results in the following error: main.c: In function ‘main’: main.c:41:5: warning: ‘__builtin_memcpy’ writing 21 bytes into a region of size 0… Read More How can I fix this error which causes my other string not to print?

How can you copy string to not accessable string memory?

Advertisements char* argv[MAXARGS]; char* buf2=malloc(MAXLINE * sizeof(char)); strcpy(buf2, buf); //buf is string with some words char* ptr = strtok(buf2, " "); argv[0]=ptr; strcpy(argv[0], ptr); free(buf2); Like above, I want to copy "value of ptr" to "argv[0]" but I can’t use strcpy(argv[0],ptr) directly because accessing argv[0] without argv[0]=ptr cause Segmantation fault. So I made code like… Read More How can you copy string to not accessable string memory?

Access violation with strcpy in c

Advertisements #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #define SIZE_OF_RECORD 100 void main() { char lineBuffer[SIZE_OF_RECORD]; memset(lineBuffer, ‘\0’, (SIZE_OF_RECORD – 1) * sizeof(char)); strcpy(lineBuffer, "testing"); strcat(lineBuffer, ‘,’); //exception thrown here Exception thrown at 0x00007FFCB7B5D1CB (ucrtbased.dll) in PA_2.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x000000000000002C. printf("line buffer after assemble line \n%s", lineBuffer); } I do not understand. The… Read More Access violation with strcpy in c