Flutter Checkbox inside a form with Provider notification is not working

Advertisements I have a checkbox which is rendered in a form (not defined as FormField as it doesn’t exist native for Flutter and trying to extend that didn’t work anyway): import ‘package:flutter/material.dart’; import ‘checkbox_form_field.dart’; import ‘package:sellertools/providers/money.dart’; import ‘package:provider/provider.dart’; class MoneyFormCheckbox<T extends Money> extends StatelessWidget { final String label; const MoneyFormCheckbox(this.label, {Key? key}) : super(key: key);… Read More Flutter Checkbox inside a form with Provider notification is not working

Or-tools not printing results when changing an example

Advertisements I am trying to put my hands on the example from the page. The example I am trying to reproduce is this one. Code below: """Capacited Vehicles Routing Problem (CVRP).""" from ortools.constraint_solver import routing_enums_pb2 from ortools.constraint_solver import pywrapcp def create_data_model(): """Stores the data for the problem.""" data = {} data[‘distance_matrix’] = [ [ 0,… Read More Or-tools not printing results when changing an example

Best way to edit package.json file for Firebase Cloud Functions?

Advertisements I get a parsing error when attempting to deploy a cloud function that the firebase-tools module cannot be found. I looked in my package.json file and notice that it’s missing, so I want to add it. I also noticed that the other dependencies have versions specified. Are these version numbers updated automatically when I… Read More Best way to edit package.json file for Firebase Cloud Functions?

The best way to parse array of objects Postgresql?

Advertisements I’m getting the result: tools: ‘{"(2,adobe-xd,\\"Adobe XD\\")","(42,wordpress,Wordpress)"}’, images: ‘{"(18,,)", "(19,heel,\\"\\")"}’ from typeorm query function: select … coalesce(array_agg(distinct row(tools.id, tools.value, tools.name)) filter (where tools.id is not null), ‘{}’) as tools, coalesce(array_agg(distinct row(images.id, images.title, images.description)) filter (where images.id is not null), ‘{}’) as images from project LEFT JOIN "project_tools_tool" "project_tools" ON "project_tools"."projectId"="project"."id" LEFT JOIN "tool" "tools"… Read More The best way to parse array of objects Postgresql?

"If" shorthand on react component

Advertisements I have a simple logic for check which menu is active. I’m using: const [activeMenu, setActiveMenu] = useState("0"); for the state. and using if shorthand: className={activeMenu === "2" && "active"} className={activeMenu === "1" ? "active" : ""} but the first one gave me: react_devtools_backend.js:4026 Warning: Received `false` for a non-boolean attribute `className`. If you… Read More "If" shorthand on react component