How to create JSON column with parent and multiple childs and grandchilds

Advertisements I am new to MySQL and can’t find the right answer so im hoping you guys can help me out. I have 3 tables. Applications (columns: appli_num (PK), appli_title) Modules (columns: appli_num (PK), modu_num (PK), modu_title) and modules is a child from applications Data_fields (columns: appli_num (PK), modu_num (PK), data_num(PK), data_title) and data_fields is… Read More How to create JSON column with parent and multiple childs and grandchilds

Couldn't deduce template parameter while using dynamic object created with specified typename

Advertisements I have been learning tree data structure for a while. I tried to implement tree using templates. I came up with an error while calling some function for input. This is the fragment where I am getting error. template <typename T> class Tree{ public: T data; vector<Tree<T>*>children; Tree(T data){ this->data=data; } }; template <typename… Read More Couldn't deduce template parameter while using dynamic object created with specified typename

I would like to make my program display the order total/invoice

Advertisements Here is what ive done: food =["cheeseburger", "smallchips", "drink"] prices =[2.50, 1.50, 1] x=0 myorderfood=[] myordercost=[] print("Burgers\n") print("Menu:") print("Cheeseburger. Cost – $2.50 each") print("Small chips. Cost – $1.50 each") print("Drink – Cola only. Cost – $1.00 each\n") I want to display an invoice at the end once the user has completed there order showing… Read More I would like to make my program display the order total/invoice