Although the type of the variable is correctly number, function keeps returning it undefined

Advertisements purpose of this code is recursively sum the digits of a number. like; 473 -> 4+7+3 = 14 -> 1+4 = 5 and stop here. All of the functions seem to be working correct except, in the last function there is an if check to check if the number is below 10. inside the… Read More Although the type of the variable is correctly number, function keeps returning it undefined

Why does my exported const variable is only in 1 file undefined and in the other one is defined

Advertisements First of all, hello! The variable envKeys is undefined in the checkEnv.ts file. But in the file types.ts it is defined. It is the first time, that something like this happened. Here is the error: return botConfig_1.envKeys.reduce((acc, current) => { TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘reduce’) I use ES2022 as a target… Read More Why does my exported const variable is only in 1 file undefined and in the other one is defined

Why does TypeScript give me an 'Object is possibly undefined' error when using

Advertisements Typescript error "Object is possibly ‘undefined’." occurs when I use //array[array.length – 1].key For example, error does not occur with the code below class P { public x: number public constructor(x: number) { this.x = x } } const a = [new P(1)] console.log(a[a.length – 1].x) However, error does occur with the code… Read More Why does TypeScript give me an 'Object is possibly undefined' error when using

Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'meat')

Advertisements I made a burger program and my goal is to add and remove burger ingredients with two buttons But after adding an ingredient, if the button is clicked again, I get the following error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘meat’) at Object.addIngredientsHandler [as addIngredients] import { useState } from "react"; import… Read More Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'meat')

Symfony 5.4 – Call to undefined method App\Controller\SiteValdinguController::getRepository()

Advertisements I’m new to Symfony and can’t seem to find a way to fix my issue. I have done an earlier project in which I didn’t have this problem but it seems that the method getDoctrine is considered undefined. enter image description here here is the 1st route of my controller <?php namespace App\Controller; use… Read More Symfony 5.4 – Call to undefined method App\Controller\SiteValdinguController::getRepository()

Why is my variable returning as 'undefined' despite being set a value?

Advertisements Relatively new to javascript. Just cannot seem to find out why this code doesn’t work. This is part of the Odin Project’s javascript exercises, exercises 12: Currently just working on the first part of the tests for this exercise. After returning the variable, it returns with "undefined" and fails the test. Here is… Read More Why is my variable returning as 'undefined' despite being set a value?

Node.JS – Express request returns undefined when when submitting a post request from a form

Advertisements When I try to get an HTML form from using Node.JS/Express it seems to return a undefined value as the req.body returns an empty object. Node const express = require(‘express’) const bodyParser = require(‘body-parser’) const app = express() const port = ‘3000’ app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true})) app.use(bodyParser.json()); app.use(express.static(‘public’)) app.get(‘/’,function(req, res) { res.sendFile( __dirname + ‘/signup.html’)… Read More Node.JS – Express request returns undefined when when submitting a post request from a form