Vue3 Vuex Vue-route state seems to be undefiend

Advertisements EDIT: ChatGPT had a solution for me. Apparently, the keyword "this" in the router refers only to the router itself and not the entire Vue app. After I included the store in the router it worked. See its awnser here: ORIGINAL: i’ve created a small vue app in the past without any routing… Read More Vue3 Vuex Vue-route state seems to be undefiend

Vue route params does not exist on type function

Advertisements I’m trying to get some params from my route in a vue page so I have the following: <script lang="ts"> import { defineComponent } from ‘vue’; import { useRoute } from ‘vue-router’; export default defineComponent({ setup() { const route = useRoute(); return { route, }; }, name: ‘ErrorPage’, data() { return { errorCode: this.route.params.errorCode,… Read More Vue route params does not exist on type function

Button for redirecting to url

Advertisements so I have a button here that only clickable, but won’t redirect to URL. Any ideas? Thank you! <button class="w-max h-min flex justify-center items-center px-3 py-2 bg-white text-tersiary rounded-xl"href="url here"@click="onclick">{{ btnText }}Button Text!</button> >Solution : If you’re using vue router you could do : <button class="…" @click="$router.push(url here)">{{ btnText }}Button Text!</button>

Vue.js – Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'product')

Advertisements I’m currently working on an eCommerce app using Django and Vue.js and I am currently trying to find out why my CartItem.vue component is not working. Its suppose to display the product, product price, the number of products selected, and the total price of the number of products selected. <template> <tr> <td> <router-link :to="item.product.get_absolute_url">{{… Read More Vue.js – Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'product')

( Nuxt's Vue-router ) How to differentiate path ending with "/" and without

Advertisements Using the extendRoutes attribute for nuxt’s router, I am attempting to differentiate paths ending with a slash and paths that do not. This is due to how the CMS we are using handles paths. I could differentiate them by distinguishing the overview page as a path ending in /all or /overview, but it’s not… Read More ( Nuxt's Vue-router ) How to differentiate path ending with "/" and without

Vue <a> tag href attribute splicing

Advertisements My current url is http://localhost:8080/component, and in this page I have an <a> tag <a :href="’/detail/’ + comp._id"></a> When comp._id is determined, for example it is 6221add333182348e1d70104. I want the URL to jump to http://localhost:8080/component/detail/6221add333182348e1d70104 when I click on the link. But actually it is http://localhost:8080/detail/6221add333182348e1d70104. How can I achieve this ? >Solution :… Read More Vue <a> tag href attribute splicing