My XML code keeps crashing my app, what is wrong with it?

I dont know what wrong with it but it’s just crashing my app, if you need i will post my java code later cause stack isnt letting me to do it now.When i comment EditTexts it working fine but not as needed so i believe something is wrong with it <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <androidx.core.widget.NestedScrollView xmlns:android=""&hellip; Read More My XML code keeps crashing my app, what is wrong with it?

Create Button In A Fragment

Hello Im new to android i want to ask how do i do intent inside the fragment layout any answers i would really appreciate here is the code : for package com.example.splashscreen; import android.annotation.SuppressLint; import android.content.Intent; import; import; import android.os.Bundle; import; import; import; import; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.View;… Read More Create Button In A Fragment

Empty lines appear after the element is removed from the xml file

Some elements have been added to the xml file through the add method. But why does the xml file leave a blank line after deleting an element, and how to get rid of it? The main function is: @Test public void test() { DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); OperateXml operateXml = new OperateXml(); try { DocumentBuilder… Read More Empty lines appear after the element is removed from the xml file

Getting the right indentation of an XML file

After sending a request to an url using python and the library requests, i am writing the output in an xml file just like this: export =, params=params) soup = BeautifulSoup(export.text, features=’xml’) with open(‘exit.xml’, ‘wb’) as f_out: f_out.write(soup.encode(‘utf-8′)) But as an output in my xml file, i’m getting something like this : <complex> <real>4.4E+12</real>… Read More Getting the right indentation of an XML file

Get xml Attributes to arrays c# Windows form

Just wanted to get values from XML file of an particular attribute to store in array. So far I did this, but it didn’t make out. C# Code string[] name; int n = 0; using (XmlTextReader AReader = new XmlTextReader(Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\Account.xml")) { while (AReader.Read()) { AReader.ReadToFollowing("Account"); AReader.MoveToContent(); if (AReader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && AReader.Name ==… Read More Get xml Attributes to arrays c# Windows form

Regex to match specific sentence in a string

I need to write a regex to catch this sentence (to remove it in Python): <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> I tried writing this one (on a regex tester), but doesn’t work: (<\?xml version="1\.0" encoding="UTF-8"\?>) Does anybody know how to help me? Thanks >Solution : In Python regex you need to escape double quotes: (<\?xml version=\"1\.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"\?>)… Read More Regex to match specific sentence in a string

Every single XML parser I tried doesn't work with this specific XML

index.js const fs = require("node:fs") const xml2js = require(‘xml2js’) const parser = new xml2js.Parser() const data = fs.readFileSync(‘test.xml’, "utf8") const json = JSON.parse(await parser.parseStringPromise(data)) console.log(JSON.stringify(json)) test.xml <thing> <2 value="300.0"/> <3 value="1.0"/> </thing> All of this only returns this error: Error: Unencoded < Line: 1 Column: 3 Char: 2 I’ve been stuck trying to figure out… Read More Every single XML parser I tried doesn't work with this specific XML

Python For loop display previous value if correct one match with XML

right now i have this XML I need to get 1 value ("enabled") behind the correct one i get. this is the code im using def checktap(text): nodes = minidom.parse("file.xml").getElementsByTagName("node") for node in nodes: if node.getAttribute("text") == text: if node.getAttribute("enabled") == True: return ("Yes") else: return ("No") value = checktap("EU 39") print(value) with this code,… Read More Python For loop display previous value if correct one match with XML

Reading XML HTTP Response in SQL Server

I need help with reading some nodes in the below XML, it’s an HTTP XML response which I store in a variable and need to read the values. I want to read the values in cmn:GeneralResponse node into a table using XQuery DECLARE @xml XML = N'<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""&gt; <soapenv:Header xmlns:wsse="; xmlns:v1="; xmlns:cor="; xmlns:v3="; xmlns:v2=""&gt; <cor:SOATransactionID>424b89ab-5d1c-4f51-9aee-63b9f7fdca13</cor:SOATransactionID>… Read More Reading XML HTTP Response in SQL Server

Localize the NAME of a string-array (and it's items)

I’ve got a string-array <string-array name="Color"> <item>@string/red</item> <item>@string/green</item> <item>@string/purple</item> </string-array> <string name="red">red></string> <string name="green">green></string> <string name="purple">purple></string> And I asses it in Java: int id = R.array.Color; String[] colors = getResources().getStringArray(id); variantTextView.setText(getResources().getResourceEntryName(id)); ansA.setText(colors[0]); ansB.setText(colors[1]); ansC.setText(colors[2]); How do I localize the NAME of this array? Is it required to extract the strings as I’ve done it? Or… Read More Localize the NAME of a string-array (and it's items)