XML Parsing getting string inside brakets <something="How to get this string">

Here is a sample of the XML data I am trying to parse. Im having trouble figuring out how to parse the data inside the "" that is nested within the brackets i.e <something="How to get this string">. here for example id want to get "How to get this string". I am able to get… Read More XML Parsing getting string inside brakets <something="How to get this string">

How to get value from XML Tag using Python?

I want to get all the ‘home id’ and ‘away id’ from the below xml script in python. Please let me know to provide further info if needed. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" charset="UTF-8" href="/xslt/hockey/schedule-v6.0.xsl"?> <!– Generation started @ 2023-12-11 19:32:15 UTC –> <league xmlns="http://feed.elasticstats.com/schema/hockey/schedule-v6.0.xsd&quot; id="fd560107-a85b-4388-ab0d-655ad022aff7" name="NHL" alias="NHL"> <daily-schedule date="2023-12-11"> <games> <game id="23fa5cd7-d680-4dcd-83b5-cf010257ef1f" status="scheduled" coverage="full"… Read More How to get value from XML Tag using Python?

How to read specific attribute from TXM (XML) tag using PHP

Here is an example TU (translation unit) from a TMX file: <tu creationdate="20080812T111221Z" creationid="Cheeseus" changedate="20190825T065920Z" changeid="Cheeseus" usagecount="0" tuid="2"> <tuv xml:lang="BG"> <seg>ПАРТНЬОРИ</seg> </tuv> <tuv xml:lang="EN-GB"> <seg>PARTNERS</seg> </tuv> </tu> I read the file this way: $xmlStr = file_get_contents($uploadedFile); $xmlObj = simplexml_load_string($xmlStr); $TUs = $xmlObj->body->tu; foreach($TUs as $TU) { if(isset($TU->tuv[0]->seg)) { $sourceText = $TU->tuv[0]->seg->asXML(); $targetText = $TU->tuv[1]->seg->asXML(); }… Read More How to read specific attribute from TXM (XML) tag using PHP

Select according to ITEM_ID all values in XML array

I need to select one whole array according to the internal value of ITEM_ID. XML: <SHOP> <SHOPITEM> <ITEM_ID>459878</ITEM_ID> <PRODUCTNAME>Lenovo Tab P11 (2nd Gen) LTE, 4/128GB, storm grey + originálna klávesnica (SK layout) v hodnote 99€</PRODUCTNAME> <PRODUCT>Lenovo Tab P11 (2nd Gen) LTE, 4/128GB, storm grey + originálna klávesnica (SK layout) v hodnote 99€</PRODUCT> </SHOPITEM> <SHOPITEM> <ITEM_ID>461986</ITEM_ID>… Read More Select according to ITEM_ID all values in XML array

problem with reading an xml file by jquery

I want to read an xml file using JQuery. the code is doing almost what I want except reading text part of a linke element in my XML file. My code snippets are presented as below: html file: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"; charset="UTF-8"> <head><title>Reading XML File Using jQuery AJAX Method</title> </head>… Read More problem with reading an xml file by jquery

How to make a nested dict (json) from a schema database xml?

Here is my input file.xml : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <project name="so_project" id="Project-9999"> <schema name="database1"> <table name="table1"> <column name="foo" type="int"/> <column name="bar" type="string"/> <column name="details_resolution" type="array[object]"> <column name="timestamp" type="timestamp"/> <column name="user_id" type="string"/> <column name="user_name" type="string"/> </column> <column name="details_closure" type="array[object]"> <column name="timestamp" type="timestamp"/> <column name="auto_closure" type="bool"/> </column> </table> </schema> <schema name="database2"> <table name="table1"> <column name="foo" type="int"/>… Read More How to make a nested dict (json) from a schema database xml?

Return data from XML

<ns1:getMerchByIDResponse xmlns:ns1="URLHERE"> <ns1:return> <ns1:applicationStatus>Approved</ns1:applicationStatus> </ns1:return> </ns1:getMerchByIDResponse> I’m struggling to get a value from this XML markup it always returns null. >Solution : $xml = simplexml_load_string($xmlString, null, LIBXML_NOERROR | LIBXML_NOWARNING, ‘ns1’, true); $xml->registerXPathNamespace(‘ns1’, ‘URLHERE’); $applicationStatus = $xml->xpath(‘//ns1:applicationStatus’);