template specialization define in c++


I declared a template specialization template <> class Component<NullType, NullType, NullType, NullType>, and defined it.

  1. My question is when I reduce the NullType in Component, p->Initialize() will always success and is called. What is this feature?

  2. Another question is why I cannot define both bool Component<NullType, NullType, NullType>::Initialize() and bool Component<NullType, NullType, NullType, NullType>::Initialize() at the same time?

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class NullType {};

template <typename M0 = NullType, typename M1 = NullType,
          typename M2 = NullType, typename M3 = NullType>
class Component {
  bool Initialize();

template <>
class Component<NullType, NullType, NullType, NullType> {
  bool Initialize();

bool Component<NullType, NullType, NullType>::Initialize() {
    cout<<"Hello World3";
    return true;

// bool Component<NullType, NullType, NullType, NullType>::Initialize() {
//     cout<<"Hello World4";
//     return true;
// }

int main()
    auto p = new Component<>();
    return 0;

>Solution :

My question is when I reduce the NullType in Component

Then the default argument specified in primary template, i.e. NullType will be used. As the effect,

bool Component<NullType, NullType, NullType>::Initialize() {

is just same as:

bool Component<NullType, NullType, NullType, NullType>::Initialize() {

Another question is why I cannot define both bool Component<NullType, NullType, NullType>::Initialize() and bool Component<NullType, NullType, NullType, NullType>::Initialize() at the same time?

As explained above, they’re considered as the same and you’ll get a redefinition error.

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