How do I change the value of true or false to a text value type it I am checking the row in the entire table Note the table is of type datatables?


use django
How do I change the value of true or false to a text value type it I am checking the row in the entire table

name item type items active
item1 15.0 True
item2 15.0 False

change values row active use jquery or django file

name item type items active
item1 15.0 displayed
item2 15.0 stope

help please

>Solution :

The most elegant way is likely to specify choices for the BooleanField, so:

from django.db import models

    (False, 'stope')
  , (True, 'displayed')

class MyModel(models.Model):
    # …
    active = models.BooleanField(choices=ACTIVE_CHOICES)

Then you can render the corresponding label in a template with:

{{ mymodelobject.get_active_display }}

It will also use these choices by default in a ModelForm, ModelAdmin, and serializers.

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