Check if substring exists in a list containing booleans?


I want to check if a substring exists in a list. But i can’t iterate through it because of it having booleans. I’m trying to convert booleans to str(booleans) but is that necessary? I’m sure there must be another efficient way without changing data

def replace_falseTrue_as_strings(lst):
    for i in lst:
        if isinstance(i,list):
            for j in i:
                if all(not isinstance(j,list)):
                    for k in j:
                    return k
                if any(isinstance(j,list)):
                    return replace_falseTrue_as_strings(j)
            return j_new

>Solution :

You could add a typecheck:

any( (isinstance(x, str) and 'abl' in x) for x in some_list)

in case of x not being a string (a boolean here), isinstance(x, str) is False and the second member is not checked, this avoids the TypeError.

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