Cannot get the first element of array whereas map() works as a charm


In a React component want to print out the a value of an object ("name") which is the first element in the array:

"production_countries": [
    "iso_3166_1": "US",
    "name": "United States of America"

This code collapses the app with error TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'name'):

    movie.production_countries &&

However, if I replace the code above with a .map() everything works as a charm.

  {movie.production_countries &&
    movie.production_countries?.map((country, i) => (
      <span key={i}>

How can I get the first element of array? Thanks

>Solution :

production_countries could be an empty array, in which case [0] will return undefined, using ? for early return should work:

  movie.production_countries &&

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