How to upload image as file in React with TypeScript


I’m trying to upload image as file but I’m not sure how to do it exactly.

Here is my input:

<input type="file" name="image" placeholder='Image' onChange={e => handleSetImage(e, i)}/>

Here is the error for "e":

Argument of type ‘ChangeEvent’ is not assignable to
parameter of type ‘FileList’. Type ‘ChangeEvent’
is missing the following properties from type ‘FileList’: length,
item, [Symbol.iterator]ts(2345)

And here is my handler:

const [colorsAndImages, setColorsAndImages] = useState<[{image: object, color: string}]>([{image: {}, color: ''}])


    const handleSetImage = (event: FileList, index: number) => {
            const files = event;
            const list = [...colorsAndImages]
            list[index][image] = list

>Solution :

That is because you have incorrectly typed your event argument in your handleSetImage. Based on how you’re calling it, i.e.:

onChange={e => handleSetImage(e, i)}

You’re actually passing ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement> as e into your function. Therefore you need to update its typing accordingly:

const handleSetImage = (event: ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>, index: number) {
  const { files } =;

  // Or if you don't prefer Object destructuring assignment...
  // const files =;

  // Rest of the logic here

That requires you to import the typing for ChangeEvent from the react library, if your IDE fails to auto import it automatically:

import { ChangeEvent } from 'react';

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