exchanging random words from file with my word


Hello I am working on a project that exchanges random words with my predefined word.
But because I am a begginer at python I cant see what I am doing wrong.
I am getting this error message: 'My file destination' line 21, in <module> splitText[randomWord] = "TEST" IndexError: list assignment index out of range

line 21 is splitText[randomWord] = "TEST"


import random, math

stringText = ""
# Reading from file.txt
fileX = open('LoremIpsum.txt','r')

for line in fileX:
    stringText += line
    splitText = stringText.split()

# Theoretical number of changed words
editedWords = math.floor(len(stringText) / 4)   

# Trying to change the word at randomized index of the text
for specWord in range(editedWords):
    randomWord = random.randrange(0,len(stringText)-1)
    splitText[randomWord] = "TEST"


>Solution :

It’s because you’re using len(stringText) to determine the range for the random numbers. stringText is a string, so its length will be the number of characters in it. That’s way more than the length of splitText (which is a list of the words from stringText), because you have more characters than words in the string. It should work if you use len(splitText)-1 to calculcate the range of the random numbers.

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