Why is react giving me an error that it expected a function call and instead got an expression?


Ive seen a lot of this question here but none of the answers provided seems to be answering my scenario.

I have this code that looks so simple

   const getSpecificMedicineWithId = (number) => {
    const filteredData = mockListOfMedicines.find((medicine) => {
      medicine.medicineId === number;

    return filteredData;

I get this error

 Line 60:7:  Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression  no-unused-expressions

What could go wrong with such a simple function? Please help.

>Solution :

you just need to return value from the find call back,hope this will help.

const getSpecificMedicineWithId = (number) => {
const filteredData = mockListOfMedicines.find((medicine) => {
  return medicine.medicineId === number;

return filteredData;

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