How can I loop different where statements in the dataset in SAS


I have multiple conditional where statements for the variables such as:

where 1<ColA<3;

where 4<ColB<6;

where 2<ColC<6;
where 5<ColN<8;

I want to subset each of the datasets based on those where statements one by one like:

data newds1;
set original;
where 1<ColA<3;

data newds2;
set original;
where 4<ColB<6;


data newdsn;
set original;
where 5<ColN<8;

How can I do that in a loop in SAS?

>Solution :

Create a macro to do the loop for you. You can pipe-separate all of your where statements and loop through each one.

%macro subset(data=, conditions=, out=);
    %let n = %sysfunc(countw(&conditions., |) );

    %do i = 1 %to &n.;
        %let where = %sysfunc(scan(&conditions., &i., |) );

        data &out.&i.;
            set &data.;
            where &where.;

%subset(data=original, conditions=1<ColA<3 | 4<ColB<6 | 2<ColC<6, out=newds);

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