How to parse a given key-value parameters string?


I have this string:

Parameter1="Something related to this" Parameter2="Another value" Parameter3=’Single quotes are permitted’ Parameter4="Even HTML entities are permitted"

I want to get this list:

  1. Parameter1=Something related to this
  2. Parameter2=Another value
  3. Parameter3=Single quotes are permitted
  4. Parameter4=Even HTML entities are permitted

I tried this regex. But it’s not working:


How can I parse this string and extract key-value pairs?

>Solution :

You can use


See the regex demo. Details:

  • (\w+) – Group 1: one or more word chars
  • = – an equals sign
  • (['"]|") – Group 2: ', " or "
  • (.*?) – Group 3: any zero or more chars other than an LF char as few as possible
  • \2 – Group 2 value.

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