How should I resolve ASP.NET Core multiple endpoints error


My controller is:

public class SubjectController : ControllerBase
    private TourActivityExpenseContext tourActivityExpenseContext = new TourActivityExpenseContext();
    public IEnumerable<SubjectTo> Get()
        var subjects = tourActivityExpenseContext.SubjectTos.ToList();
        return subjects;

    public int GetSubjectId(String subject)
        var subjects = tourActivityExpenseContext.SubjectTos.ToList();
        var isSub = subjects.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Subject == subject);
        int id = isSub.Id;
        return id;
    public string Get(int id)
        var subjects = tourActivityExpenseContext.SubjectTos.ToList();
        var isSub = subjects.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == id);
        String sub = isSub.Subject;
        return sub;

When requested in Postman with an URL like


I get an error like this:

Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.Matching.AmbiguousMatchException: The request matched multiple endpoints. Matches:

TourExp.Controllers.SubjectController.Get (TourExp)
TourExp.Controllers.SubjectController.GetSubjectId (TourExp)

>Solution :

Try to give them a specific route :

        public int GetSubjectId(String subject)

            var subjects = tourActivityExpenseContext.SubjectTos.ToList();
            var isSub = subjects.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Subject == subject);
            int id = isSub.Id;
            return id;

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