Im trying to sort a list of Cities and their Temperature using a bubblesort


Im fairly new to C++ and im trying to convert an int "city.temp[4]" to a string and then adding that to an already existing string "[4]" which would then sort the cities and their temperatures based on low to high. The user is the one to name all four cities and assign them a temperature. The bubbleSort is working fine sorting the temperatures by them self but im not sure how to get the cities to follow along with their respective temperatures

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class City{
    string name[4];
    int temp[4];

int main() {    
    City city;[4];
    cout << "           Please Input the name of 4 different cities and their temperature\n\n\n";

        for(int i=0; i < 4; i++){

            cout << " Input the name and temperature of city (" << i+1 << "): "; getline(cin,[i]); cout << " "; cin >> city.temp[i];
    int length = 4;

    for(int i = 0; i < length; i++){

        for(int j = 0; j < length - 1; j++){

            if(city.temp[j] > city.temp[j+1]){

                int hold = city.temp[j];
                city.temp[j] = city.temp[j+1];
                city.temp[j+1] = hold;

    for(int i = 0; i < length; i++)

        cout << " " << city.temp[i] << " " <<[i] << "\n";
    return 0;

>Solution :

The good solution is to have a City-class with a name and a temperature and swap cities based on the order of the temperature with std::sort.

The easy fix for now is to use std::swap to swap the temperatures and at the same time swap the names:

if(city.temp[j] > city.temp[j+1]){
    std::swap(city.temp[j], city.temp[j+1]);

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