How to change x:Name property inside xaml code using c# script?



Using code need to add the XAML x:Name property to my ShellContentItem, that I’m creating inside AppShell.


>Solution :

When adding an element in c#, you don’t "create an x:Name". Instead, you simplify define a property, and set that property to the element.

private ShellContent myItem;

    // Inside your method
    myItem = new ShellContent();

Now you access myItem like any other property.

If you wish to create and access a collection of items, you do that like any other kind of object in c#:

private List<ShellContent> myItems;

    // In method.
    myItems = new List<ShellContent>();
    for (...)
        var item = new ShellContent();

Now access one like any other list: myItems[...].

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