How can i turn springboot rest endpoints to spring webflux reactive endpoints


bellow is my code, its written in springboot but im having trouble trying to write it in webflux. im using mono but im not sure how i can log info in mono or how i can return a responseEntity using mono either.

public ResponseEntity helloWorld() {"Entered hello world");

    return ResponseEntity.ok("Hello World");

there is not much i did in webflux but this is how far i got

    public Mono<ResponseEntity> helloWorld() {
//"Entered hello world in controller");
        Mono<String> defaultMono = Mono.just("Entered hello world").log();
//        return ResponseEntity.ok("Hello World ");


>Solution :

public Mono<ResponseEntity<String>> helloWorld() {"Entered hello world");

   return Mono.just(ResponseEntity.ok("Hello World"));

May suggest reading the spring webflux docs as well Project Reactor docs.

Also if what you need is to log all the reactive stream I’d would suggest following code.

public Mono<ResponseEntity<String>> helloWorld() {       
    return Mono.just("Entered hello world in controller").log().map(s -> ResponseEntity.ok(s));

Some good spring webflux example can be found on internet, such: Building Async REST APIs with Spring WebFlux

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