Awk access variable more than once


I am trying to access a variable defined in awk multiple times, but it does not seem to work.

Lets assume we have a data.txt with contents:

1 2
2 3
3 4

If we do awk with:

cat data.txt | awk 'sum=($1+$2), div1=(sum/$1) {print " sum: " sum " div1: " div1 " data: " $0}'

It works fine and we get an output of

sum: 3 div1: 3 data: 1 2
sum: 5 div1: 2.5 data: 2 3
sum: 7 div1: 2.33333 data: 3 4

If I try to access the sum multiple times, I get an error

cat data.txt | awk 'sum=($1+$2), div1=(sum/$1), div2=(sum/$2) {print " sum: " sum " div1: " div1 " div2: " div2 " data: " $0}'

Even if I change div2=(sum/$2) to div1=(sum/$1), which is exactly the same as before, I will still get the error:

awk: line 1: syntax error at or near ,

How can I get around this issue and access any specific variable assigned in awk to be accessible multiple times?

>Solution :

The part before the {} block is supposed to be a condition. Put variable assignments inside the {}. Multiple statements are separated using ;.

cat data.txt | awk '{sum=($1+$2); div1=(sum/$1); div2=(sum/$2); print " sum: " sum " div1: " div1 " div2: " div2 " data: " $0}'

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