React native modal open modal from different component using visible prop


How could i open Modal from different component file using my visible prop that is passed inside isVisible with some state and button. Right now the modal is not opening. I am using react-native-modal (

 type ModalProps = {
        visible: boolean;

export function Modal({ visible }: ModalProps) {
    return (
        <ReactNativeModal isVisible={visible} >
                    <Icon size={14} name="icon1" />

Calling component in different file

 const [isModalVisible, setModalVisible] = React.useState(false);

    function handleModalClose() {

    function handleModalOpen() {

<Button title="Modal one" onPress={handleModalOpen}>
 <Modal visible={isModalVisible}></Modal>

>Solution :

You should pass isModalVisible as visible prop to the Modal component:

<Modal visible={isModalVisible}></Modal>

If you need to close the modal from the Modal component, you can pass also the setModalVisible function:

type ModalProps = {
    visible: boolean;
    setModalVisible: React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<boolean>>;

export function Modal({ visible, setModalVisible }: ModalProps) {
    const handleClose = () => {


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