Convert object with array values into array of object


I do have this kind of params

{"people" => 
    "fname" => ['john', 'megan'],
    "lname" => ['doe', 'fox']

Wherein i loop through using this code

result = []
params[:people].each do |key, values|
  values.each_with_index do |value, i|
    result[i] = {}
    result[i][key.to_sym] = value


The problem on my code is that it always gets the last key and value.

 { lname: 'doe' },
 { lname: 'fox' }

i want to convert it into

  {fname: 'john', lname: 'doe'},
  {fname: 'megan', lname: 'fox'}

so that i can loop through of them and save to database.

>Solution :

result[i] = {}

The problem is that you’re doing this each loop iteration, which resets the value and deletes any existing keys you already put there. Instead, only set the value to {} if it doesn’t already exist.

result[i] ||= {}

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