php multidimensional array sorting using inner value


I have the following array:

    [ret_code] => 0
    [ret_msg] => OK
    [result] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [symbol] => 10000NFTUSDT
                    [bid_price] => 0.004085
                    [ask_price] => 0.004095
                    [last_price] => 0.004085
                    [last_tick_direction] => MinusTick
                    [prev_price_24h] => 0.004090
                    [price_24h_pcnt] => -0.001222
                    [high_price_24h] => 0.004120
                    [low_price_24h] => 0.004040

            [1] => Array
                    [symbol] => 1000BONKUSDT
                    [bid_price] => 0.002089
                    [ask_price] => 0.002092
                    [last_price] => 0.002093
                    [last_tick_direction] => PlusTick
                    [prev_price_24h] => 0.001587
                    [price_24h_pcnt] => 0.31884
                    [high_price_24h] => 0.002396
                    [low_price_24h] => 0.001553

            [2] => Array
                    [symbol] => 1000BTTUSDT
                    [bid_price] => 0.000628
                    [ask_price] => 0.000629
                    [last_price] => 0.000628
                    [last_tick_direction] => ZeroMinusTick
                    [prev_price_24h] => 0.000623
                    [price_24h_pcnt] => 0.008025
                    [high_price_24h] => 0.000631
                    [low_price_24h] => 0.000622


    [ext_code] => 
    [ext_info] => 
    [time_now] => 1673109990.331754

How could I sort this array by the [price_24h_pcnt] nested value?

My ideal output would be simpler array such as… (‘1000BONKUSDT’, ‘10000NFTUSDT’, ‘1000BTTUSDT’)

I tried using array_column but failed to successfully navigate the nesting. Thank you for any help.

>Solution :

$key_values = array_column($arrayName, 'price_24h_pcnt'); 
array_multisort($key_values, SORT_ASC, $arrayName);

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