What is the shortcut to Edit/Rename the Notepad++ tabs?


While saving the file i need to rename it with shortcut keys but there is no shortcut key available for renaming the tab.

I tried manual way using mouse to rename the tab which works well but i need the shortcut key to edit or rename the notepad++ tabs.

>Solution :

There is no shortcut defined for renaming the tabs but we can create our own key combination by following below steps.

  1. Open Notepad++ Application.
  2. Go to ‘Settings’
  3. Select ‘Shortcut Mapper’
  4. Select ‘Rename’
  5. Click on ‘Modify’
  6. Assign the shortcut ( Example: ‘CTRL + E’ )

Now when you press ‘CTRL+E’ Rename tab will appear.

Check the screenshot to follow the steps.


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