VS Code:Remote SSH – How to open files from a clearcase dynamic view


I connect to my Oracle Linux build server using SSH from Windows Terminal, set the Clearcase view and then view/edit code using Vi.

Now, I am trying to use Visual Studio Code – Remote SSH to connect to the server and edit code directly from Windows PC.

I am able to connect to the server from VS Code and able to set clearcase view from VS Code Terminal. But if I try to open the folder in VS File Explorer attached to my view I am not seeing any files. I can see the files from VS Code Terminal though.

Kindly provide suggestions to see the files in VS Explorer.

>Solution :

Using cleartool setview (to mount a dynamic view onto /vobs) is not the recommended best practice, as it spawns a new process which might not be correctly interpreted within the VSCode Remote SSH session.

To validate that, try and access the same folder using the full view path /view/AViewName/vobs/aVob/.../yourFolder, without setting any view (and assuming the Vob is already mounted).
See if your files are visible then.

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