ERROR: Cannot assign value "$event" to template variable "element". Template variables are read only


Can someone please help me what is wrong with this code?

 <div *ngFor="let element of list; let index=index">
      <input matInput type="string" [(ngModel)]="element" name="element" #field="ngModel">

I am getting an error
ERROR: Cannot assign the value "$event" to template variable "element". Template variables are read only

I tried below solution

<div *ngFor="let element of list; let index=index">
    <input matInput type="string" [(ngModel)]="list[index]" name="element" #field="ngModel">

This solution works but when I try to edit the input field it takes only one character at a time, for every character I need to click inside the input box and then type

>Solution :

This may not work with the latest version. You need to understand template variables. Angular-understanding template variables

Change the code like below

<div *ngFor="let element of list; let index=index">
  <input matInput type="string" [ngModel]="element" (change)="updateElement($,index)" name="element" #field="ngModel">

In .ts file, write update function as

updateElement(value:string,index:number) {
  this.list[index] = value;

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