popup window when searching posts laravel


I’m making a functionality to search for records


public function search(Request $request)
        $textSearch = $request->get('blog-search');
        $articleSearch = Article::where('title', 'LIKE', '%'.$textSearch.'%')->get();

        return view('blog.search-list', compact('articleSearch'));


Route::get('/search', 'App\Http\Controllers\BlogController@search');


<div class="blog-search">
    <form id="search" action="/blog/" method="get" role="search">
        <input type="text" id="blog-search" name="blog-search" autocomplete="off">
        <div class="blog-search-result" id="blog-search-result"></div>


<?php if ($articleSearch) { ?>
    <div class="list block-shadow">
        <?php foreach ($articleSearch as $article) { ?>
            <a href="<?= $article->getUrl() ?>"><?= $article->title ?></a>
        <?php } ?>
<?php } ?>


$(document).on('keyup', '[name="blog-search"]', function () {
  let data = $(this).closest('form').serialize();
  let searchResult = $('#blog-search-result');


  if ($(this).val().length < 2) {

      url: '/search',
      data: data,
      method: 'get',
      success: function (result) {

As a result, the search works and in the network I get this piece of code

But the problem is that this piece of code should appear in this block <div class="blog-search-result" id="blog-search-result"></div>

And I still can’t figure out where to do it

>Solution :

You’ve got the right idea, but you can’t return a view() like that if you’re expecting to inject it into the DOM as HTML. Use this approach instead:

public function search(Request $request) {
  $textSearch = $request->get('blog-search');
  $articleSearch = Article::where('title', 'LIKE', '%'.$textSearch.'%')->get();

  $html = view('blog.search-list', compact('articleSearch'))->render();

  return response()->json(['html' => $html], 200);

The render() method converts the view to a string, which you then pass back as JSON via response()->json(). Your AJAX handler is correct; searchResult.html(result.html);

Sidenote, if you’re using .blade.php, you don’t need raw PHP:

  <div class="list block-shadow">
    @foreach($articleSearch as $article)
      <a href="{{ $article->getUrl() }}"><{{ $article->title }}></a>

@if() can replace your <?php if (...) { ?>, and @foreach() can replace <?php foreach(...) } ?> (along with @endif and @endforeach)

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