Hover applies to all element when hover on one ? Tailwind


I am not sure why hover applies to all elements when hover on one element.

 {isClicked && ( 
            <div className='bg-slate-400 text-white p-6 absolute before: top-7 before: -left-7 flex flex-col gap-2 justify-center'>
                {countries.map((country, index) => (
                            className='hover:scale-110 hover:underline'

So, I changed the style when hover:

  <div className='bg-slate-400 text-white p-6 absolute before: top-7 before: -left-7 flex flex-col gap-2 justify-center'>
                <h3>All UK</h3>
                {countries.map((country, index) => (
                            className='hover: bg-slate-800'

And now hover applies to all p elements even when I not hover over them.

Why does happens ? What to change so that hover applies only to one element that is hovered on ?

And if a country name contains 2 words, the second word wraps on new row. I kept changing width and height but still happens. I saw on tailwind doc to use whitespace-nowrap but affects all elements and are displayed in a row and not in column all dough flex direction in column.

The whole component:

import React, { useState } from 'react'

const countries = ['England, Scotland, Wales, NorthemIreland']

const Location = () => {
    const [loc, setLoc] = useState({country: '', region: ''})
    const [isClicked, setIsClicked] = useState('false')

    return (
            className='text-white relative'
            onClick={() => setIsClicked(!isClicked)}
         {isClicked && ( 
            <div className='bg-slate-400 text-white p-6 absolute before: top-7 before: -left-7 flex flex-col gap-2 justify-center'>
                <h3>All UK</h3>
                {countries.map((country, index) => (
                            className='hover: bg-slate-800'

export default Location

>Solution :

  1. Change hover: bg-slate-800 to hover:bg-slate-800

  2. Make sure the index is unique for every list item, try console.log(index). To check if the item is having unique index.

  3. To avoid country on longer name going to the next line. Use whitespace-nowrap


    <div class="before: before: absolute -left-7 top-7 m-4 flex flex-col justify-center gap-2 bg-slate-400 p-6 text-white">
     <h3>All UK</h3>
     <p key="1" class="whitespace-nowrap hover:bg-slate-800">India</p>
     <p key="2" class="whitespace-nowrap hover:bg-slate-800">Australia</p>
     <p key="3" class="whitespace-nowrap hover:bg-slate-800">West Indies</p>
     <p key="4" class="whitespace-nowrap hover:bg-slate-800">SOth America</p>
     <p key="5" class="whitespace-nowrap hover:bg-slate-800">Very long country name</p>


The screen shot was captured without the capture of mouse pointer

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