React TS loop through object and get checked value


How do I get a get a value from object key when looping through it.
I currently have an object like this:

    const [brandState,setBrandState] = useState({
            NewBalance: false,
            Nike: false,
            Addiddas: false,

And I am looping through it rendering checkbox inputs like this:

  <div className="">
  <label htmlFor={brand} className="mr-[10px]">{brand}: </label>
  <input type="checkbox" name={brand} className="cursor-pointer" />

Everything workouts apart from getting the value (true or false)
I tried setting checked={brand} but I get an error saying that brand is a string, I also tried checked={brandState.Brands.brand} however that also gives me an error.
How can I get the value of each key to set as the checked?

>Solution :

Alternatively to Sherry Hsu’s excelent suggestion, you can loop over entries instead of keys:

  Object.entries(brandState.Brands).map([brand, checked]=>
  <div className="">
  <label htmlFor={brand} className="mr-[10px]">{brand}: </label>
  <input type="checkbox" name={brand} className="cursor-pointer" checked={checked}/>

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