Run GET Request in While Loop or Similar


basically i want to create an loop that makes GET Requests until a Condition is there and then use the Data from the GET Request.

I got this code:


async function checkAndAcceptPickup(id: number) {
    while (!isDone) {
        getPickupsFromStore(id).then(data => {

async function getPickupsFromStore(id: number) {
    const response = await axios.get(`URL`)

But unfortunately nothing gets console logged, what am i doing wrong?

I tried to use a setInterval Method but that was scuffed too because of the await in the GET Request.

It should do:

Wait for GET Request => Check Condition => New GET Request….

>Solution :

You need to wait for the getPickupsFromStore function to complete before continuing the while loop.

It should look like this:

async function checkAndAcceptPickup(id: number) {
    while (!isDone) {
        await getPickupsFromStore(id).then(data => {

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