Github action workflow schedule is not updating


I have a project that’s scheduled to run every 6 minutes and works (runs every ~12min). I changed the schedule to run every hour but it’s still running at the old cadence (every ~12min).

Why is this? Do I need to disable and re-enable workflow in the settings to execute the change to the schedule?

workflow file:

old schedule:

    - cron: '*/6 * * * *'

new schedule:

    - cron: '* */1 * * *'

>Solution :

I don’t think your new cron is correct.

You can use handy tool like crontab to check if the cron is correct or not.

For your cron: * */1 * * * it basically runs each hour and for every minute (essentially every minute)

Also From the GitHub actions documentation:

The shortest interval you can run scheduled workflows is once every 5

So you are essentially saying github actions to run your workflow every minute, hence it tries to run it every 5 minutes instead.

Adding in the workload on GitHub actions, it is running for every 12 minutes practically.

If you want to run your workflow every hour then use this cron: 0 * * * *

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