Create a list of objects without an array


I need to get data in this format:

    name: 'template',
    type: index
    name: 'template',
    type: index 
    name: 'template',
    type: index

They should not be in an array, because I return them as is to another file containing objects.

Here’s what I’m trying to do:

export function setTemplateList() {
      const templateList = [
  {title: 'About', value: 'aboutTemplate'},
  {title: 'Contact', value: 'contactTemplate'}
      let object = {};
      templateList.forEach(function (index, value) {
        let obj = {
          name: 'template',
          type: value.value
        // I want to push into object here
      return object;

How can I do it? Thank you

>Solution :

It sounds to me like what you’re trying to do is inject elements into an array without those elements themselves being an array. So, for example, imagine this array structure:

    name: 'template',
    type: index
    name: 'template',
    type: index 

If I’m understanding you correctly, you want to be able to invoke a function in the middle of this structure:

    name: 'template',
    type: index
    name: 'template',
    type: index 

And that function should return more then one element to be added to this overall array, resulting in:

    name: 'template',
    type: index
    name: 'template',
    type: index 
    name: 'template',
    type: index
    name: 'template',
    type: index 

But you don’t want that function to return an array, because that would result in:

    name: 'template',
    type: index
    name: 'template',
    type: index 
      name: 'template',
      type: index
      name: 'template',
      type: index 

Which, while structureally permitted in JavaScript, is not the structure you want.

In this case, it sounds like you already have what you want but just need to change how you use it.

The function should return an array. In fact, it has to. Because that’s how a group of objects is structured… as an array. However, you don’t have to embed the array itself into your structure. You can spread the result of the function into the overall array:

    name: 'template',
    type: index
    name: 'template',
    type: index 
  ...someFunction() // <-- note the spread operator here

What this would do is take the result of the function (an array) and add its contents to the overall structure, rather than add the result itself to the overall structure. Which would result in one overall consistent array structure.

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