Javascript number.toFixed() not working when number has 3 decimals and fixing to 2 decimals


When trying to round a number with 3 decimals to a number with 2 decimals, toFixed() doesn’t round the latest number correctly. But when I do the same thing with a number with 4 decimals, it does work… I can’t wrap my mind about it how that can be.

I have seen some solutions like Math.round(value * 100) / 100, but then it always rounds down to 2 decimals, while I want a generic function to round, where you can enter the number of decimals to round to.

Currently the function is like this:

Number.prototype.round = function (precision: number = 2) {
    return Number(this.toFixed(precision));

Any ideas on how to solve this issue?

const value = 51.425;
console.log('To fixed with 3 decimals: ', value.toFixed(2));

const value2 = 51.4251;
console.log('To fixed with 4 decimals: ', value2.toFixed(2));

>Solution :

Floating points in JavaScript is broken as @Jaromanda and @dan_pran mentioned.

But the Math.round() solution still works for your use case – it’s just a bit more code:

Number.prototype.round = function (precision = 2) {
  return Math.round(this * 10 ** precision) / 10 ** precision;

const value = 51.425;
console.log('Rounded with 3 decimals: ', value.round(2));

const value2 = 51.4251;
console.log('Rounded with 4 decimals: ', value2.round(2));

const value3 = 51.4215;
console.log('Rounded with 4 decimals: ', value3.round(3));

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