Can you print multiple lines at once and carriage return them so they always stay in the same place?


I am writing a program where it gets current CPU utilisation from PSUtil, parses it, and displays it to the user.

def getAllCoreData_Parsed():
    output = ""

    for count, cpu in enumerate(ps.cpu_percent(percpu=True)):
        output += f"Core {count:<2}\t{cpu:>5}%\033[0;37;48m\n"

    return output

while True:



However, what I want it to do, it too replace all of the existing data with the new one without creating the newline OR showing it with the ‘tail’ of the previous write to the console.

What it is doing now is adding newlines where I haven’t told it too (Is it because of the \n used in the getAllCoreData_Parsed() function? I need that \n to format it as I need it displayed like such)

This is what it is currently doing:

Core 0    0.0%
Core 1    0.0%
Core 2    0.0%
Core 3    0.0%
Core 4    0.0%
Core 5    0.0%
Core 6    0.0%
Core 7    0.0%
Core 8    0.0%
Core 9    0.0%
Core 10   0.0%
Core 11   0.0%
Core 0    5.0%
Core 1    0.6%
Core 2    0.0%
Core 3    0.0%
Core 4    0.0%
Core 5    0.0%
Core 6    0.0%
Core 7    0.0%
Core 8    1.0%
Core 9    0.0%
Core 10   0.0%
Core 11   0.0%

This is what I want it to do:

Core 0    1.0%
Core 1    0.0%
Core 2    0.0%
Core 3    0.6%
Core 4    0.0%
Core 5    0.0%
Core 6    0.0%
Core 7    9.3%
Core 8    0.0%
Core 9    0.0%
Core 10   0.0%
Core 11   0.0%

AND THEN (same position on console)

Core 0    12.0%
Core 1    0.0%
Core 2    0.0%
Core 3    0.9%
Core 4    0.0%
Core 5    0.0%
Core 6    1.8%
Core 7    0.0%
Core 8    0.0%
Core 9    0.0%
Core 10   8.1%
Core 11   0.0%


>Solution :

This should be what you’re looking for

import psutil
import time

def get_cpu_usage_by_core():
    return [
        f"Core {count:<2}\t{cpu:>5}%"
        for count, cpu in enumerate(psutil.cpu_percent(percpu=True))

while True:
    output = get_cpu_usage_by_core()

    for line in output:

    print("\033[F" * (len(output) + 1))

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