How to not select user_ids that have not performed certain actions (Snowflake SQL)


So, I have dataset that looks like below. I would like to write a query that extract users who have done steps 1,2 & 3 but not 4 & 5. The output of the query should be User 1 and User 4.

User_ID Steps
User 1 Step 1
User 1 Step 2
User 1 Step 3
User 2 Step 1
User 2 Step 2
User 2 Step 3
User 2 Step 4
User 2 Step 5
User 3 Step 1
User 3 Step 2
User 3 Step 3
User 3 Step 4
User 3 Step 5
User 4 Step 1
User 4 Step 2
User 4 Step 3

Trying to use NOT IN but it does not work.

Tried using NOT IN but it does not work. I’m a bit new to SQL so help would be appreciated.
The result of the SQL query should be distinct user_ids that did not perform step 4 & 5.
Expected result:
User 1
User 4

>Solution :

It sounds like your requirement is to find users who have only done steps 1, 2, and 3. One approach uses aggregation:

FROM yourTable
       COUNT(CASE WHEN Steps NOT IN (1, 2, 3) THEN 1 END) = 0;

The first COUNT in the HAVING clause ensures that there are exactly 3 distinct steps for a matching user. The second COUNT ensures that those steps can only be 1, 2, or 3.

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