How to return arraobject if the particular property exists in nested array object using javascript;


How to check the particular property exists in nested array object using javascript;

In the below arrobj, if value property is empty, remove and return the array of object

If all object property value is empty, return [];

using javascript.

var arrobj = [
    id: 1,
    task: [
      {tid:1, value:[]},
      {tid:2, value:[12,13]}
    id: 2,
    task: [
      {tid:4, value:[14,15]}


var valueExists = arrobj.filter(e=>e.tasks.filter(i =>i.value.length > 0);

Expected Output:

    id: 1,
    task: [
      {tid:2, value:[12,13]}
    id: 2,
    task: [
      {tid:4, value:[14,15]}

>Solution :

Map the array, generate a new object for each enter. Filter the tasks and remove all tasks that have a length of 0. After mapping, filter it and remove all objects with empty task array:

const filterTasks = arr => arr
  .map(o => ({
    task: o.task.filter(t => t.value.length)
  .filter(o => o.task.length)

const arr1 = [{"id":1,"task":[{"tid":1,"value":[]},{"tid":2,"value":[12,13]}]},{"id":2,"task":[{"tid":4,"value":[14,15]}]},{"id":3,"task":[{"tid":5,"value":[]}]}]
const arr2 = [ {"id":1,"task":[{"tid":1,"value":[]},{"tid":2,"value":[]}]}, {"id":2,"task":[{"tid":4,"value":[]}]}]


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