Why can I not have a generic interface WITH an optional property of a known type?

interface Thing {
  [ index: string ]: string | number | boolean | Thing | Array<string | number | boolean>

interface FooBarable extends Omit<Thing, 'foo' | 'bar'> {
  foo: string;
  bar?: string;

const x: FooBarable = { abc: 123, bool: true, foo: 'abc' };

gives me:

Property 'bar' of type 'string | undefined' is not assignable to 'string' index type 'string | number | boolean | Thing | (string | number | boolean)[]'.


Is there a way to make this work?

>Solution :

Try using a type intersection rather than inheritance.

interface Thing {
  [ index: string ]: string | number | boolean | Thing | Array<string | number | boolean>

type FooBarable = Thing & {
  foo: string;
  bar?: string;

const x: FooBarable = { abc: 123, bool: true, foo: 'abc' };


Playground link

This is subtle, because type and interface are mostly the same, and interfaces are usually preferred, but this is one case where a type intersection is closer to what you want. (I believe that’s a similar issue to what’s described here.)

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