Put space between specific strings


I am working with R. Below you can see my code and my data:

df <- data.frame(
  Column = c("0101100000", "2201205000"))

In the column my data is text which is composed of ten characters.

Now I want to put space between first and second four characters. I tried with this line below but is not working.

df$Column1 <- gsub("\\s{2,}", " ", df$Column)

So can anybody help me how to solve this problem and to have data frame as data shown in the picture below

>Solution :

You can use gsub like so:

gsub('(.{4})', '\\1 ', df$Column)
#[1] "0101 1000 00" "2201 2050 00"

In some cases, this will add a trailing space; use trimws in that case:

trimws(gsub('(.{4})', '\\1 ', "02020202"))
#[1] "0202 0202"

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