Scanf does not distinguis between brackets


I have this simple test code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(){

    int a, b;

    int ret = scanf("( %d , %d )", &a, &b);

    if (ret != 2 ){

        printf("Wrong input!\n");
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    printf("Everything fine\n");
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

As you can see, the main function expects input for example (10, 15). This input (10, 15test fails. But this input (10, 15] is OK. Why? How can I force scanf to distiguish between types of brackets?

>Solution :

Note there’s no need for a space before %d — all numeric scanf specifiers, and also %s but not %c and %[…], skip any leading whitespace the same as space. Spaces are needed before the comma and the %1[)] if you want to allow whitespace there, which your example data doesn’t show.

int a,b; char c[2 /* or more */];

int ret = scanf("(%d ,%d %1[)]", &a,&b,c);
if( ret == 3 ) // all good

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