Trying to loop over mysql json field using prisma and typescript


I have a json field in mysql, and I am trying to loop over it.

I found that I should do this according to the Prisma docs:

  const Booking = await prisma.Booking.findUnique({
    where: { id: parseInt( },

  let cateringObject: CateringItem[] | null = null;

  if (
    Booking?.catering &&
    typeof Booking?.catering === "object" &&
  ) {
    const cateringObject = Booking?.catering as Prisma.JsonArray;

I did try create this interface

interface CateringItem {
  quantity: number;
  productName: string;
  productPrice: number;

The error is when I try to loop over

            {cateringObject &&
     => <li>{item.productName}</li>)}

Property ‘map’ does not exist on type ‘never’.

>Solution :

 let cateringObject: CateringItem[] | null = null;
const cateringObject = Booking?.catering as Prisma.JsonArray;

Usually you cannot redeclare as a constant if you wish to use cateringObject outside the block. This might be what’s triggering the error as Typescript cannot infer the type of cateringObject.

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