How to define Array of Functions in C++ Class and initialize in ctor?


this is my class:

class Cpu
    typedef uint8_t(Cpu::*OpCode)();
    OpCode *op_codes; // how to define array of 256 function pointers?

    uint8_t op_nop();
    uint8_t op_lxi();
    uint8_t op_stax();
    uint8_t op_mov();
    uint8_t op_mvi();

then I would like to initiate the array in class constructor:

   op_codes = new OpCode[256] {
            // 0x00
            // 0x01
            // 0x02:
            // 0x03

and finally I would like to use the array:

void Cpu::SingleStep()
        uint8_t op_code = 0x00;
        *op_codes[op_code](); // how to execute the specified function?

Any help will be appreciate. Thanks!

I tried to define the field in the class using various examples.

OpCode op_codes[256];

but how to assign then functions?

>Solution :

You can use std::invoke(with C++17) to make a call using member function pointer. Additionally, it would be better to initialize the array in the member initilizer list instead of assigning to it in the constructor body.

//use member initializer list
Cpu::Cpu(): op_codes(new OpCode[256]{&Cpu::op_nop, &Cpu::op_lxi, &Cpu::op_stax})
     //this is assignment           
     op_codes = new OpCode[256]{&Cpu::op_nop, &Cpu::op_lxi, &Cpu::op_stax};
void Cpu::SingleStep()
    uint8_t op_code = 0x00;
    //call using std::invoke
    std::invoke(op_codes[op_code], this);

    //old style call without std::invoke

Working demo

can I initialize the array in the ctor body?

We can do assignment inside the ctor body.

     //this is assignment           
     op_codes = new OpCode[256]{&Cpu::op_nop, &Cpu::op_lxi, &Cpu::op_stax};


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