Trouble with Image Rendering in Flutter – Seeking Guidance


Good afternoon to everyone.

I am a very new developer on flutter, and I made a simple app, to show an image

void main() {
    home: Scaffold(backgroundColor: Colors.blueGrey,
      appBar: AppBar(
        centerTitle: true,
        backgroundColor: Colors.purpleAccent,
        title: Text("I am Rich"),
      ) ,
      body: Center(
        child: Image(
          image: AssetImage('Images/diamond.png'),

I followed the flutter documentation, to resolve this issue

I specify in my yaml file

  uses-material-design: true
   - Images/

in the console I get

======== Exception caught by image resource service ================================================
The following assertion was thrown resolving an image codec:
Unable to load asset: "Images/diamond.png".

and my folder is named Images

>Solution :

Use all lowercase letters for assets folder path.

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