Creating a State management with Data Generic in typescript angular


Has create Generic StateManagierService which can accept any type, on Change of state the use can get new state and data if any. But look I m missing some thing.

export class StateManagierService<T> {
  private _state$: BehaviorSubject<T>;

  protected constructor (initialState: T) {
    this._state$ = new BehaviorSubject(initialState);

  get state$ (): Observable<T> {
    return this._state$.asObservable();

  get state (): T {
    return this._state$.getValue();

  changeState (nextState: T): void {
    if(this.state === nextState || nextState === null) return;

Different States which user can create

export enum state1{
    A =1,

Wraper Class will create obj and can add more data| properties

export class Wrap {
    constructor(stateId: state1, data?:any){
        console.log("stateId", stateId, data)

    providedIn: 'root'
export class serviceImpl extends StateManagierService<Wrap> {
        super(new Wrap(state1.A, 'text1')); // Expecting Wrap object to set but not


Test Service to check

class hello {
    constructor(private serviceImpl: serviceImpl){

          console.log('res', res) // Expecting Wrap object  What im doing wrong
        this.serviceImpl.changeState(new Wrap(state1.B, 'text23'))

>Solution :

In-order for angular to initialize the properties in the constructor through the shortcut method, we need to define it like private stateId: state1 doing this solves your issue!

So <<Access Specifier>> <<propertyName>> : <<Property Type>> this will be the format!

export class Wrap {
  constructor(private stateId: state1, private data?: any) { // <- changed here!
    console.log('stateId', stateId, data);

stackblitz demo

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