Is it possible to programmatically access the contents of external scripts from an HTML script tag?


Lets say I am using the turndown Javascript package:

and loading it this way in my HTML:

<script src=""></script>

This loads the following:

and makes TurnDown service available to be used as such:

var turndownService = new TurndownService({ headingStyle: 'atx', emDelimiter : '*' });

Is it possible to programmatically access the contents of such external scripts which has been loaded by the above script tag? Aka, is it possible to get the following:

var TurndownService = (function () {
  'use strict';

  function extend (destination) { ........


  return TurndownService;


NOTE that I am asking for external scripts. I already know I can get contents of my own script by assigning the tag an id and then using innerHTML on it as such:

Get content inside script as text

The reason I need to do this is that I want to pass these third party scripts to a WebView in iOS using webkit handlers.

>Solution :

Yes! There is a document.scripts property that contains all scripts loaded on a page. However, external scripts loaded with src attribute won’t have innerHTML or textContent, so we will have to fetch it again.

In your case, you can get the contents like this:

const desiredUrl = ""
const script = [...document.scripts].find(script => script.src === desiredUrl)

const url = script.src
const source = fetch(url).then(res => res.text()).then(source => {
  console.log(source.slice(0, 200)) // truncated not to spam console

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