How can I test Apache Syntax errors?


Is there any way I can use to test Apache web server for Syntax errors?

I tried to run restart the Apache web server using
systemctl restart apache2 but i am getting errors and server doesn’t restart. How can I check if there are typos or syntax errors in the Apache configuration file?

>Solution :

To test for apache syntax errors, there are various ways to achieve it. Here are some of them:

Using the configtest command:

On your server terminal, run the following command:

sudo apachectl configtest

If there are some errors, you will notice the affected lines in the apache configuration file. This will give you a clue how to fix them.

But if there there no syntax erors, then running the above command will return syntax ok

Using systemctl status

Another way to check the status if your apache server is running, use the following command:

sudo systemctl status apache

The above command will help you to understand if apache is running or not. If your configuration files have errors, you will notice the affected lines so you can fix them

If you still face more problems with Apache configurations or apache syntaxes, this detailed article has everything you need to know.

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